7 Day Juice Cleanse

99% der Kunden empfehlen frank.
7 Day Juice Cleanse

7 Day Juice Cleanse

99% der Kunden empfehlen frank.
Regular price CHF 208.00 (CHF 29.71/Tag)
CHF 1.45/100 ml
Tax included. Shipping calculated at checkout.
In stock - with you in 1-3 working days

Kurzzeitfasten als Auszeit für Körper & Geist.

18 Säfte und 3 Bio-Ingwer-Shots für drei Tage. In dieser Zeit verzichtest du auf feste Nahrung.

Die Säfte sind frisch kaltgepresst und durch ein innovatives und Nährstoffschonendes Verfahren für Dich haltbar gemacht. [info]

Inklusive Guide mit Tipps & leckeren Rezepten zur Vor- und Nachbereitung.

Nährstoffschonendes HPP-Verfahren

Dass HPP-Verfahren ist eine innovative Technologie zur Konservierung von Säften und anderen Lebensmittel. Dieses Verfahren verwendet extrem hohe Drücke, um Keime, Bakterien, Hefen, Schimmel und andere schädliche Mikroorganismen in Lebensmitteln zu eliminieren, ohne dabei die Qualität oder den Nährwert der Produkte zu beeinträchtigen.

Feel fresh, energised and balanced with the frank. juice cleanse
Modern short-term fasting as a time-out for body and mind
A holistic package with 42 juices, 7 organic ginger shots, 1 tea and 1 broth
Cold-pressed juices gently preserved by HPP
Comprehensive guide for support
Select Your Cleanse Duration
Rendering loop-subscriptions
CHF 0.00 each
Purchase Options
Selling Plans
CHF 208.00
CHF 208.00
CHF 208.00
CHF 208.00
 Lieferung jeden Monat
CHF 208.00
CHF 208.00
 Lieferung jeden Monat
CHF 208.00
CHF 208.00
 Lieferung jeden Monat

Regular priceCHF 208.00 (CHF 29.71/Tag)
CHF 1.45/100 ml
Tax included. Shipping calculated at checkout.
In stock - with you in 1-3 working days

GRATIS Kur Guide

120-seitiger, digitaler Guide

  • Infos & Tipps für Deine Kur
  • inkl. 20 Rezepte zur Vor- und Nachbereitung
im Wert von 19€
100% secure payment
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Regionally produced in Germany
Developed with nutritional science
Free, environmentally friendly, refrigerated shipping from 99€ in DE

Das schätzen unsere Kund:innen am meisten

  • den leckeren Geschmack und die Vielfalt der Säfte
  • Gesundheitliche Vorteile und Wohlbefinden
  • Hilfreiche Anleitung & Tipps zur Durchführung

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7 Day Juice Cleanse
CHF 208.00  (CHF 29.71/Tag)

Siebentägige Saftkuren: Jetzt innerhalb von 7 Tagen die positiven Effekte erleben!

  • Starte in eine langfristige Ernährungsumstellung
  • Lege schlechte Essgewohnheiten ab
  • Resette für Körper und Geist
  • Entlaste Deinen Darm
  • Optimiere Dein Hunger- & Sättigungsgefühl
  • Challenge dich - du schaffst es
Find the right juice cleanse for you

You decide how intense you want your fasting experience to be. Depending on the intensity, you will receive different types of fruit and vegetable juices. Each juice has its own flavour, nutrients and extra vitamins, minerals and plant substances in smart doses. The number of juices always remains the same.

• The higher the proportion of vegetables, the less energy the juices have.
• The lower the energy content of the juices, the faster your body enters the fasting metabolism and your fasting experience intensifies.

Depending on the duration you choose, you will benefit from the following additional products:
3-Day Cleanses: 3 Shots
5-Day Cleanse: 5 Shots + Feel Good Tea
7-Day Cleanse: 7 Shots + Feel Good Tea + Farmers Market vegetable broth

The STARTER Juice Cleanse
• for newcomers
• Balanced ratio of fruit and vegetable juices
• Highest energy content of 845 Kcal per fasting day

You receive:
• 3x Juices with fruit and vegetables (Marvellous Greens, The Crocodile, True Romance)
• 1x Fruit Juice (The Good Life)
• 1x Lemonade as a fasting classic with cayenne and turmeric (Indian Sundaze)
• 1x Almond drink with fruit (Mister White)

The MEDIUM juice cleanse
• for courageous newcomers or connoisseurs
• 736 Kcal per fasting day

You receive:

• 3x Juices with fruit and vegetables (Marvellous Greens, The Crocodile, True Romance)

• 1x Juice with vegetables and coconut water (Lean Machine)

• 1x lemonade as a fasting classic with cayenne and turmeric (Indian Sundaze)

• 1x Almond drink with fruit (Mister White)

The PRO Juice Cleanse

• for fasting experts

• 650 Kcal per fasting day

You receive:

• 2x Juice with fruit and vegetables (Marvellous Greens, The Crocodile)

• 1x Juice with vegetables (The Purist)

• 1x Juice with vegetables and coconut water (Lean Machine)

• 1x Lemonade as a fasting classic with cayenne and turmeric (Indian Sundaze)

• 1x Almond drink with fruit (Mister White)

How to use the juice cleanse

During your juice cleanse

• you fast for several days at a time and only consume our juices alongside water, tea and broth. The juices provide your body with fruit and vegetables in a particularly easily digestible form. Each juice also contains specially selected nutrients.
• You give your body, especially your digestive tract, as well as your mind a break and, according to many fasting people, experience a special feeling of freshness, lightness and well-being.
• you no longer have to do all the tasks (planning, shopping, cooking, washing up) associated with your normal meals and have time to reflect on your habits: What is going well? What is not going so well? What would you like to do in the future? After your juice cleanse, you will be able to fight your weaker self with renewed motivation.

With your juice cleanse you will receive

• the frank. Cure Guide with information about your cleanse, tips and recipe ideas for preparation and follow-up in your package. If you want to find out even more, you will automatically receive the digital, more comprehensive version in your e-mail inbox with your order confirmation.

Would you like to find out more about fasting now? Take a look at our magazine or our frank. App!

Was musst Du über die Zutaten und Nährwertangaben unserer siebentägigen Saftkuren wissen?
7 Tage Saftfasten per Saftkur: Das sind die Nährwerte Deiner siebentägigen Kur pro Tag

Nutritional values of your juice cleanse per day

Our 7-day juice cleanse includes a total of 42 fruit and vegetable juices in 6 different flavours of 330 ml each. This means that 6 different juices are waiting for you every day!

Starter Saftkur
Medium Saftkur
Pro Saftkur

If you choose our starter juice cleanse, you will receive 1x each of Marvellous Greens, The Good Life, The Crocodile, Indian Sundaze, True Romance and Mister White.

In total, you will consume the following nutrients per fasting day:


Energy: 3567 kJ / 845 Kcal

Fat: 21,8 g

of which saturates: 2,64g

Carbohydrates: 147,8g

of which sugar: 131,67 g

Protein: 15,8 g

Salt: 0,26 g

These nutritional values apply to the respective juices of a fixed cleanse. They vary depending on which additional products you integrate into your daily cleanse (shots, soups, protein powder, broth).

If you choose our medium juice cleanse you will receive 1x each of Marvellous Greens, Lean Machine, The Crocodile, Indian Sundaze, True Romance and Mister White.

In total, you will consume the following nutrients per fasting day:

Energy: 3092 kJ / 736 Kcal

Fat: 20,1 g

of which saturates: 2,3 g

Carbohydrates:118,1 g

of which sugar: 104,3 g

Protein: 18,5 g

Salt: 0,36 g

These nutritional values apply to the respective juices of a fixed cleanse. They vary depending on which additional products you integrate into your daily cleanse (shots, soups, protein powder, broth).

If you choose our Pro juice cleanse, you will receive 1x each of Marvellous Greens, Lean Machine, The Crocodile, Indian Sundaze, The Purist and Mister White.

In total, you will consume the following nutrients per fasting day:

Energy: 2719 kJ / 650 Kcal

Fat: 18,5 g

of which saturates: 2 g

Carbohydrates:96,4 g

of which sugar: 85,8 g

Protein: 20,5 g

Salt: 0,40 g

These nutritional values apply to the respective juices of a fixed cleanse. They vary depending on which additional products you integrate into your daily cleanse (shots, soups, protein powder, broth).

More Information

Reset: Give your body and mind a break from the fast pace of everyday life.


Rebalance: Feel the vitalizing effects and feel fresh in your body.

Refocus: question your habits and optimize your lifestyle.

frank. Quality: Fresh and regional fruit and vegetables combined in scientifically developed and delicious blends.

frank. Individuality: You are guaranteed to find the cleanse that suits you best among our different intensities and durations!

frank. Support: Benefit from our comprehensive background knowledge of fasting and nutritional science. Do you have any questions? Contact our support team at any time!

scientifically developed
Made in Germany
Made in Germany
Made in Germany

Die komplexe Wissenschaft der 7 Tage Saftkur für Dich vereinfacht!

Developed with nutritional science

Like all frank. cleanses, the juice cleanse was also developed with nutritionists. Modern short-term fasting with cold-pressed juices made from fresh fruit and vegetables combines centuries-old traditions of therapeutic fasting with the latest findings in nutritional science and medicine.

If you have any questions about the cure, send us an email to support@thefrankjuice.com - and our nutritionist Liliane will be happy to help and advise you.

10 questions for your 7-day juice cleanse

A 7-day juice cleanse consists of 42 products in total so that, as with all other Frank Juice juice cleanses, you have 6 cold-pressed fruit and vegetable juices at your disposal every day. With the longest version, you experience the maximum fasting experience and go without solid food for an incredible 168 hours. Sounds like a lot, but it's all doable and easy to master with a little preparation and practice.

Over the course of the 7 days, your metabolism adjusts to the fasting state. The body's own nutrient reserves are broken down and your autophagy is particularly stimulated. Inflammatory processes can also be significantly reduced and insulin sensitivity increased. The switch from carbohydrate to fat-reducing metabolism may initially be accompanied by side effects. But don't worry: these are completely normal, subside after 3-4 days of fasting and you will get better and better at doing without solid food.

For a 7-day juice cleanse from Frank Juice, you should be motivated and in the right physical and mental condition. Create the ideal setting for yourself and plan your time so that you have as few external disruptive factors as possible and can turn this intensive time into the best possible personal experience. As a rule, our customers already have some previous experience with this option. Please note that a fasting cleanse is not suitable for pregnant women, breastfeeding mothers, children and immunosuppressed people. People who have suffered from an eating disorder in the past or are currently suffering from one should also refrain from fasting cleanse. If you have a medical condition, ask your doctor whether you are allowed to fast.

During our 7-day juice cleanse, your metabolism switches from carbohydrate to fat breakdown. You may experience an increased feeling of coldness, tiredness or fatigue. Headaches are also possible, although these are often caused by caffeine withdrawal. You can counteract these symptoms by dressing warmer. Make sure you wear thick socks, as your limbs cool down particularly quickly. A walk in the fresh air also helps a lot!

With the longest fasting variant from Frank Juice, you naturally achieve the greatest success in terms of food abstinence and the intensity of the cleanse. Over the course of the 7 days, your system will adjust to the new situation and you will get to grips with it better and better. We will support you during this time with all the important information and give you help wherever you need it from us. You can also spread a cleanse over a period of 7 days much more selectively throughout the year and, for example, integrate it as a fixed period in the year.

A 7-day juice cleanse is not a diet and should not be undertaken with the intention of losing weight directly! Nevertheless, during fasting you consume a greatly reduced amount of calories compared to your usual daily routine, which usually leads to weight loss. This is initially due to the loss of water that was bound to glycogen and salt in your body before the cleanse and is metabolized or excreted during the fast. As soon as your fat stores are used to generate energy, your fat mass is also noticeably reduced. The following applies: 7,000 calories correspond to 1 kg of pure fat mass. Your fasting cleanse can therefore be the kickstart for sustainable weight loss. After your juice cleanse, pay particular attention to your diet, exercise, sleep and stress.

Depending on the duration you choose, you will receive additional add-ons regardless of the selected intensity (Starter, Medium, Pro). For a cleanse of 3 days or longer you will receive 3x shots, for 5 days you will receive 5 x shots + 1x tea and for a 7-day cleanse you will receive 7 x shots + 1x tea + 1x vegetable broth on top.
For our frank. Shots, we only use organic ingredients in our unique recipes, which combine different ginger contents and degrees of spiciness and also contain functional additives. We use environmentally friendly glass bottles to reduce our ecological footprint.
Je nachdem, für welche Dauer einer Saftkur Du Dich entscheidest, erhältst Du unabhängig von der gewählten Intensität (Starter, Medium oder Pro) zusätzliche Add-Ons. Bei einer Kurlänge von 3 Tagen erhältst Du drei scharfe Bio Ingwer Shots für jeweils einen Kurtag, bei 5 Tagen sind es dementsprechend 5 scharfe Bio Ingwer Shots und bei einer 7 Tage Kur gibt es sieben scharfe Bio Ingwer Shots zusätzlich on top.
For our frank. Shots, we only use organic ingredients in our unique recipes, which combine different ginger contents and degrees of spiciness and also contain functional additives. We use environmentally friendly glass bottles to reduce our ecological footprint.

Your fresh mood begins now.

Select, Unpack, Enjoy.

Your fresh mood begins now.

Select, Unpack, Enjoy.

Customise your fasting cleanse

Choose the perfect juice or soup cleanse for you and supplement it with ginger shots, protein powder, tea and guides.

Get your juices freshly pressed

Our juices are cold-pressed and gently preserved using the HPP process to maximise the preservation of nutrients.

Have your order conveniently delivered

You receive your fresh juices cooled by cool packs filled with water. Your products are carefully packed in cartons that are insulated with straw. This is how we guarantee uninterrupted cooling.

Let's go!

Your fast starts now! Take a look at the flyer included with your parckage for all the important information you need to prepare. If you want to know more, there is a comprehensive digital guide in your order confirmation.

Our customer Julia about frank.

✓ Fasts with frank. multiple times per year

✓ Is amazed by the comprehensive support guide

✓ Loves the flavour of our juices & soups even outside of fasting cleanses

Das schätzen unsere Kund:innen am meisten

Basierend auf [NUM_RATINGS] Bewertungen

Ausgewählte Kundenstimmen

Ich liebe die Saftkur! Die pro Variante ist für mich optimal. Geschmacklich top und die Zusammensetzung der Säfte gefällt mir gut. Nach der Kur fühle ich mich wie neu geboren. Mittlerweile habe ich mich für das Abo mit der regelmäßigen Lieferung entschieden.

Verified Customer

Ich habe die dreitägige Saftkur gemacht. Die Qualität der Säfte ist super. Auf den Abendsaft hab ich mich schon immer gefreut, da der wirklich lecker ist. Ich wünschte mir für die Säfte unter Tags ein bisschen mehr Abwechslung zwischen den einzelnen Tagen.

Verified Customer

Ich mache gerne ein bis zweimal im Jahr eine Saftkur, einfach meinen Körper eine Pause zu gönnen und schlechte Essgewohnheiten loszuwerden. Meine Haut strahlt nach jeder Saftkur, die Unreinheiten sind wie weggetrunken.

Verified Customer

Das ist nun bereits meine fünfte Saftkur, die ich bei Frank bestellt habe. Es ist zwar immer echt hart, aber die Säfte sind lecker und der Effekt ist wirklich toll. Sowohl meine Figur, als auch mein Stoffwechsel haben sich deutlich verbessert und das nachhaltig. Ich kann die Kuren nur empfehlen.

Verified Customer

Schnelle Lieferung und tolle Produkte. Geschmack hat mich überzeugt und man bekommt auch immer eine detaillierte Anleitung. Alles bestens :)

Verified Customer

Lieferung top verpackt und gut gekühlt. Säfte und Suppen sehr lecker, meine Lieblinge sind Indian Sundaze und Mr. White. Das Download-Booklet mit Rezepten gefällt mir auch.

Verified Customer
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