frank. Kur Guide free
99% der Kunden empfehlen frank.

frank. Kur Guide free
99% der Kunden empfehlen frank.

Modern short-term fasting as a time-out for body and mind
Wholistic package with 6 juices
Cold-pressed juices gently preserved by HPP
Comprehensive guide for support
Modern short-term fasting as a time-out for body and mind
Wholistic package with 18 juices and 3 organic ginger shots
Cold-pressed juices gently preserved by HPP
Comprehensive guide for support
Modern short-term fasting as a time-out for body and mind
Wholistic package with 30 juices, 5 organic ginger shots and 1 tea
Cold-pressed juices gently preserved by HPP
Comprehensive guide for support
Modern short-term fasting as a time-out for body and mind
Wholistic package with 42 juices, 7 organic ginger shots, 1 tea and 1 broth
Cold-pressed juices gently preserved by HPP
Comprehensive guide for support
Modernes Kurzzeitfasten als Auszeit für Körper und Geist
Ganzheitliches Paket mit 5 Säften und 1 Bio-Suppe
Kaltgepresste und durch HPP schonend haltbar gemachte Säfte
Umfangreicher Guide zur Unterstützung
Modern short-term fasting as a time-out for body and mind
Wholistic package with 15 juices, 3 organic soups and 3 organic ginger shots
Cold-pressed juices gently preserved by HPP
Comprehensive guide for support
Modern short-term fasting as a time-out for body and mind
Wholistic package with 25 juices, 5 organic soups, 5 organic ginger shots and 1 tea
Cold-pressed juices gently preserved by HPP
Comprehensive guide for support
Modern short-term fasting as a time-out for body and mind
Wholistic package with 35 juices, 7 organic soups, 7 organic ginger shots, 1 tea and 1 broth
Cold-pressed juices gently preserved by HPP
Comprehensive guide for support
Modern short-term fasting as a time-out for body and mind
Wholistic package with 9 organic meals and 3 organic ginger shots
Delicious, varied flavours
Comprehensive guide for support
Modern short-term fasting as a time-out for body and mind
Wholistic package with 15 organic meals, 5 organic ginger shots
Delicious, varied flavours
Comprehensive guide for support
Modern short-term fasting as a time-out for body and mind
Wholistic package with 21 organic meals, 7 organic ginger shots
Delicious, varied flavours
Comprehensive guide for support
3 dried meals per fasting day.
2 fasting days per week.
Different durations and additional products.
Balanced weight management.
3 dried meals per fasting day.
2 fasting days per week.
Different durations and additional products.
Balanced weight management.
3 dried meals per fasting day.
2 fasting days per week.
Different durations and additional products.
Balanced weight management.
Modern short-term fasting as a time-out for body and mind
Wholistic package with 15 juices, 3 organic soups and 3 organic ginger shots
Cold-pressed juices gently preserved by HPP
Comprehensive guide for support
Modern short-term fasting as a time-out for body and mind
Wholistic package with 25 juices, 5 organic soups, 5 organic ginger shots and 1 tea
Cold-pressed juices gently preserved by HPP
Comprehensive guide for support
Modern short-term fasting as a time-out for body and mind
Wholistic package with 35 juices, 7 organic soups, 7 organic ginger shots, 1 tea and 1 broth
Cold-pressed juices gently preserved by HPP
Comprehensive guide for support
Modern short-term fasting as a time-out for body and mind
Wholistic package with 9 organic meals and 3 organic ginger shots
Delicious, varied flavours
Comprehensive guide for support
Modern short-term fasting as a time-out for body and mind
Wholistic package with 15 organic meals, 5 organic ginger shots and 1 organic tea
Delicious, varied flavours
Comprehensive guide for support
Modernes Kurzzeitfasten als Auszeit für Körper und Geist
Ganzheitliches Paket mit 15 Bio-Mahlzeiten, 5 Bio-Ingwer-Shots und 1 Bio-Tee
Leckere, abwechslungsreiche Geschmacksrichtungen
Umfassender Ratgeber zur Unterstützung
Modern short-term fasting as a time-out for body and mind
Wholistic package with 18 juices and 3 organic ginger shots
Cold-pressed juices gently preserved by HPP
Comprehensive guide for support
Modern short-term fasting as a time-out for body and mind
Wholistic package with 30 juices, 5 organic ginger shots and 1 tea
Cold-pressed juices gently preserved by HPP
Comprehensive guide for support
Modern short-term fasting as a time-out for body and mind
Wholistic package with 42 juices, 7 organic ginger shots, 1 tea and 1 broth
Cold-pressed juices gently preserved by HPP
Comprehensive guide for support
3 getrocknete Mahlzeiten pro Fastentag.
2 Fastentage pro Woche.
Unterschiedliche Dauern und Zusatzprodukte.
Balanced Weight Management.
6 cold-pressed juices per cleanseday.
Different intensities, durations and additional products.
Fresh, varied flavour.
5 cold-pressed juices + 1 organic soup per spa day.
Different intensities, durations and additional products.
Fresh, varied flavours.
3 different ginger shots per treatment day.
For 1 or 2 weeks.
Fresh, varied flavour for your extra dose of spicy ginger.
For a good gut feeling.
6 cold-pressed juices per treatment day + 1 certified organic tea for your stomach & intestines.
2 Biogena supplements with bacterial cultures & fibre.
For drive and performance in everyday life.
6 cold-pressed juices per treatment day + 1 certified organic herbal tea.
2 Biogena supplements to increase physical & mental performance.
Feel vital and resilient in everyday life.
14 or 28 organic ginger shots.
ImmunoMyk and vitamin D3 drops to strengthen the immune system from BIOGENA.
Made from field-fresh fruit & vegetables, up to 1.5 kg per bottle.
Cold-pressed & never heated thanks to HPP.
Flavour & nutrients just like freshly pressed.
Made from field-fresh, certified organic vegetables.
Varied, creamy and vegan varieties.
Free from colourings, flavourings and preservatives.
Extra spicy ginger shots.
Smartly designed with functional ingredients.
Certified organic, bottled in glass & can be kept unrefrigerated.
All 12 juice varieties in one box to try.
Fruit & vegetable juices, lemonades and our Nut M*lk.
Cold-pressed, never heated, preserved at high pressure.
Feel healthy and productive every day!
Smart nutritional supplements for your everyday life according to our philosophy: Everything you need, nothing you don't.
For revitalising and relaxing moments.
Exquisite herbs, spices & fruits.
Lose, certified organic tea with premium coarse cut.
Eat tastier, more colourful and more nutritious!
Order your favourite products from the cleanse for your frank. Everyday life, once or as a subscription at a special price.
For more quality of life, well-being and vitality.
16 vegetable & herbal juices that have an alkalising effect + 1 certified organic tea for your stomach & intestines.
Biogena Basogena 5e alkaline powder to neutralise stomach acid.
All 6 soup varieties in one box to try.
Certified organic & vegan soups made from field-fresh vegetables.
Free from colourings, flavourings and preservatives.
All 3 varieties of ginger shots 2x in a box to try.
Extra spicy, smartly designed with functional ingredients.
Certified organic, bottled in glass & can be kept unrefrigerated.
3 dried meals per fasting day.
2 fasting days per week.
Different durations and additional products.
Balanced weight management.
3 getrocknete Mahlzeiten pro Fastentag.
2 Fastentage pro Woche.
Unterschiedliche Dauern und Zusatzprodukte.
Balanced Weight Management.
Get the best out of yourself and your daily routine.
24/7 micronutrient basic supply
13 vitamins, 2 carotenoids, 10 minerals & trace elements, in a single capsule.
Protein powder in premium quality, certified organic and vegan.
Pea, rice, sunflower, pumpkin seed, hemp - nothing more.
Neutral flavour for versatile applications.
6 cold-pressed juices per treatment day.
Different intensities, durations and additional products.
Fresh, varied flavour.
5 cold-pressed juices + 1 organic soup per spa day.
Different intensities, durations and additional products.
Fresh, varied flavours.
3 getrocknete Mahlzeiten pro Fastentag.
2 Fastentage pro Woche.
Unterschiedliche Dauern und Zusatzprodukte.
Balanced Weight Management.
Made from field-fresh fruit & vegetables, up to 1.5 kg per bottle.
Cold-pressed & never heated thanks to HPP.
Flavour & nutrients just like freshly pressed.
Discover our diverse selection of delicious, nutritious and innovative products.
From cleanses to everyday products - make your everyday life frank!
For inner & outer beauty
6 cold-pressed juices per treatment day + 1 certified organic herbal tea
Vegan all-in-one beauty drink with hyaluronic acid & procollagen from Biogena
For inner & outer beauty
6 cold-pressed juices per treatment day + 1 certified organic herbal tea
Vegan all-in-one beauty drink with hyaluronic acid & procollagen from Biogena
3 dried meals per cleanse day.
Different durations and additional products.
Delicious, varied flavour
3 getrocknete Mahlzeiten pro Fastentag.
2 Fastentage pro Woche.
Unterschiedliche Dauern und Zusatzprodukte.
Balanced Weight Management.
Find out everything you need to know about healthy weight loss with intermittent fasting.
frank. Kur Guide free
frank. ist bekannt für frische und abwechslungsreiche Produkte.
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